This is a list of publications released by the Victorian Law Reform Commission since 2001, in various formats. The majority of them are reports, consultation or issues papers, and information papers. Click through to access the publications as web pages (html) or in other formats such as pdf or Word (where available). You can also access these and other documents (such as submissions) related to specific VLRC projects, current and completed, via the All Projects page.
To view the VLRC’s annual reports visit the Annual reports page.
About Spotlight papers Introduction What is guardianship and administration? What is clause 37? Shifts in disability law and policy and...
Terms of referenceQuestion listGlossary1. Introduction2. What is artificial intelligence?3. Benefits and risks of AI4. AI in courts and tribunals5. Regulating...
This matter was initiated as a community law reform project by the Commission pursuant to section 5(1)(b) of the Victorian Law...
PrefaceTerms of referenceGlossaryExecutive summaryRecommendation1. Introduction2. Recklessness and criminal responsibility3. The history of recklessness in Victoria4. Victorian offences against the person...
The Victorian Law Reform Commission was asked to review whether the definition of recklessness in Victoria should change, and whether...
Referral to the Victorian Law Reform Commission pursuant to section 5(1)(a) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000. Opportunities...
Matter initiated by the Commission pursuant to section 5(1)(b) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 (Vic) on 1...
This is a page of extra material relevant to the issues discussed in the VLRC's report, Improving the Justice System...
This longlist comprises selected suggestions for law reform projects. They include project ideas relating to First Nations Peoples, young people,...
The Inclusive Juries report was tabled in Parliament and published on 16 May 2023. It recommends changes to the law...
The Inclusive Juries report was tabled in Parliament and published on 16 May 2023. It recommends changes to the law...
This short issues paper, published in January 2023, covers the current state of the law, how recklessness is defined, and...
This short issues paper covers the current state of the law, how recklessness is defined, and issues with the definition...
This report contains 45 recommendations for stalking law reform. They aim to improve the ways that the justice system...
This report contains 45 recommendations for stalking law reform. They aim to improve the ways that the justice system treats...
The Interim Report on Stalking was tabled in Parliament on 6 April 2022. VLRC Stalking Interim Report Parl (pdf) VLRC...
Terms of reference Recommendations 1. Introduction 2. Identifying stalking and taking it seriously 3. Guidance to assist police to identify...
Recommendations 1. Introduction 2. Strengthening the law on ‘grab and drag’ conduct Appendix: Submissions Bibliography
This report, the final part of the VLRC's inquiry into the Justice System Response to Sexual Offences, was tabled in...
The VLRC report, Improving the Justice System Response to Sexual Offences, was released on 12 November 2021. It deals with...
The Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) has proposed a comprehensive reform package to improve the way the justice system responds...
Call for submissions 1 The Victorian Law Reform Commission has been asked to recommend ways to improve the justice system’s...
The Commission has been asked by Victoria's Attorney-General to review Victoria's responses to stalking, harassment and similar conduct, including the...
How to tell us your views Terms of reference Questions 1. Nature and dynamics of stalking 2. Recognising and reporting...
This document is a summary of responses received anonymously from people who completed an online questionnaire for our inquiry Improving...
Reference under section 5 of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000. Responses to stalking, harassment and similar conduct, and the...
Inclusive Juries: Summary of the Consultation Paper 1. Introduction 2. Vision and hearing loss in the Victorian community 3. Inclusive...
The Commission is considering what changes to legislation and practices should be made to enhance access for people who are...
1 The Victorian Law Reform Commission has been asked to make recommendations to improve the response of the justice system...
The Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) was asked to review and report on Victoria’s laws relating to rape, sexual assault...
Introduction 1 This paper is for people who: • work in, or have experience of, the criminal justice system in...
Introduction 1 This paper is for: • people who work in, or have experience of, the criminal justice system in...
1 This paper is for: • people who work in, or have experience of, the criminal justice system in relation...
Introduction 1 This paper is for: • people who work in, or have experience of, sexual offence investigations • counsellors,...
Introduction 1 This paper is for: • people who work in, or have experience of, the criminal justice system in...
Introduction 1 This paper is for: • people who work in, or have experience of, the criminal justice system in...
Introduction 1 This paper is for people whose work involves responding to sexual harm, within and beyond the ‘sexual assault...
The committals law reform report published in 2020 recommended the test for committal should be abolished. It included other recommendations...
The report on committal and pre-trial procedures in indictable criminal matters was tabled in Parliament on 16 September 2020. Download...
In October 2018, the Victorian Law Reform Commission was asked to review and report on the law relating to contempt...
Victoria needs a new Contempt of Court Act to define different types of contempt and make the law clearer and...
Referral to the Victorian Law Reform Commission pursuant to section 5(1 )(a) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000. The...
Matter initiated by the Commission pursuant to section 5(1)(b) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 (Vic) on 12...
Tabled in Parliament on 27 November 2019, the Commission’s final report made 63 recommendations. Download Neighbourhood Tree Disputes Final Report...
The VLRC report into neighbourhood tree disputes reviewed the laws about disputes between neighbours of private land involving trees that...
The Commission has been asked by the state government to review the committals process to make it more efficient and...
Preface Call for submissions Terms of reference Glossary Questions 1. Introduction 2. Committal proceedings 3. Victoria’s committal and pre-trial system...
Call for submissions Terms of reference Glossary Questions 1. Introduction 2. Committal proceedings 3. Victoria’s committal and pre-trial system 4....
Introduction 1 The Attorney-General has asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission (the Commission) to report by 31 December 2019 on...
In October 2018, the Victorian Law Reform Commission was asked to review and report on the law relating to contempt...
Preface Call for submissions Terms of reference Glossary Questions 1. Introduction 2. Existing legal framework for contempt of court 3....
[Referral to the Victorian Law Reform Commission pursuant to section 5(1)(a) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 (Vic)...
Tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 19 September 2018, this report contained 100 detailed recommendations and proposed significant changes to...
The purpose of the Victims of Crimes Assistance Act (1996) was to give financial assistance to victims of crime to...
Tabled in parliament on 19 June 2018, the Commission’s report Access to Justice: Litigation Funding and Group Proceedings made 31 recommendations to...
The VLRC report on litigation funding and class actions was tabled in parliament in June 2018. The Access to Justice:...
This groundbreaking guide to Plain English and the Law was first published by the Victorian Law Reform Commission in 1987. ...
As part of our Community Law Reform Program, the Commission inquired into neighbourhood tree disputes. Specifically, we examined the laws...
Preface Call for submissions Terms of reference Glossary Questions Structure of this paper 1. Defining neighbourhood tree disputes 2. Examples...
Preface Terms of reference Summary Recommendations 1. Introduction 2. Legal language 3. Survey of legislation 4. Plain English and objections...
This was the second consultation paper for the VLRC's 2017 review of the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996. In...
There were two consultation papers for this inquiry, published in June 2017 and August 2017. In the initial terms of...
In December 2016, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to report on class actions law reform, including litigation funding, contingency fees...
The Attorney-General asked the Commission to inquire into access to the law as it pertains to litigation funding, contingency fees...
Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996 and Victims Assistance Program The Victorian Law Reform Commission is asked to review and...
[Referral to the Commission pursuant to section 5(2)(a) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 (Vic) on 7 July...
This was the first of two consultation papers for the VLRC's review in 2017 of the Victims of Crime Assistance...
On 8 June 2017, the Victorian Law Reform Commission began a community law reform inquiry into the legal framework for...
The Commission’s review of the Adoption Act was tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 7 June 2017. The main considerations...
This VLRC report is about adoption law reform, in particular: Eligibility to adopt and the application process Access to adoption...
On 16 December 2016, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to report on access of justice by litigants who seek to...
Who should decide what happens at a funeral and burial? At preset the law gives the power to the executor...
This report concludes a community law reform project considering whether Victorians should be permitted to leave funeral and burial instructions...
The report recommends amending Victoria’s Human Rights Charter to give victims of crime in criminal trials the right to be acknowledged, treated...
The Victorian Law Reform Commission’s report on the role of victims of crime in the criminal trial process was tabled...
In December 2015, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to provide recommendations for modernising the Adoption Act 1984 and the Adoption...
In December 2015, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to provide recommendations for adoption law reform, including modernising the Adoption Act...
In October 2014, the Commission was asked to examine and report on how regulation might stop organised crime from infiltrating...
The Commission's report was tabled in Parliament on 25 May 2016. Download Regulatory Regimes Report (pdf) Download Regulatory Regimes Report...
At the time of its introduction, the Adoption Act 1984 represented a significant change in Victorian adoption policy. The government...
In this community law reform inquiry, the Commission considered the extent to which a deceased person’s wishes about their funeral,...
In this inquiry, the VLRC considered the extent to which a deceased person’s wishes about their funeral, burial or cremation...
The medicinal cannabis law reform report was delivered to the Attorney-General on 31 August 2015. The report made 42 recommendations...
Tabled in parliament on 6 October 2015, the Commission's report on medicinal cannabis contained 42 recommendations covering regulations, patient eligibility,...
Preface Call for submissions Terms of reference Glossary 1. Introduction 2. The history of the common law adversarial criminal trial...
In October 2014, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to report and review on the role of victims in the criminal...
The Victorian Law Reform Commission's community law reform project into Funeral and Burial Instructions was initiated under the following terms...
Regulatory regimes consist of the laws, regulations, policies and instruments that govern the entry into and conduct within a particular...
Regulatory regimes are laws, regulations, policies and instruments that govern the entry into and conduct within an industry. They include...
In October 2014, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to report and review on the role of victims in the criminal...
This community law reform project deals with the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Vic), especially the rights of landlords to advertise property...
Tabled in parliament in May 2015, the Commission's report, Photographing and Filming Tenants' Possessions for Advertising Purposes, made 9 recommendations for changes...
The Commission’s report into Trading Trusts—Oppression Remedies was tabled in Parliament on 6 May 2015. Download Trading Trusts Report (pdf)...
In this report the Commission recommended changes to the Trustee Act 1958 (Vic) to give beneficiaries in trading trusts new rights...
In December 2014, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to review the law to allow people to be treated with medicinal cannabis...
In March 2015, the Commission published an issues paper on medicinal cannabis that provided background information about the benefits and...
On 19 December 2014, the Attorney-General asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission to suggest options for changing the law relating...
TERMS OF REFERENCE The Victorian Law Reform Commission is asked to review and report on the use of regulatory regimes...
[Referral to the Commission pursuant to section 5(1)(a) of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000 (Vic) on 27 October...
The Commission’s report on the forfeiture rule was tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 14 October 2014. Download The Forfeiture Rule Report (pdf) Download...
The forfeiture rule prevents a person who has unlawfully killed another from inheriting from their victim or acquiring another financial...
Tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 3 September 2014, the Commission's final report on jury empanelment contained 16 recommendations in...
In March 2013 the Commission was asked to recommend jury empanelment law reform for both criminal and civil trials: Whether...
Tabled in Parliament on 21 August 2014, the Commission’s report on the review of the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to...
People charged with offences who have serious mental impairment, intellectual disability or mental illness require a special response from the...
This community law reform project addressed concerns that the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Vic) had not kept up with changes to...
Preface Call for submissions Terms of reference 1. Introduction 2. Current practice 3. Right to enter 4. Right to quiet...
In October 2013, the Commission was asked to review and report on oppression remedies for beneficiaries of trading trusts. In...
Preface Call for submissions Terms of reference Glossary 1. Background 2. Trusts and companies in Victoria 3. The oppression remedy...
The forfeiture rule prevents a person who has unlawfully killed another from inheriting from their victim or acquiring another financial...
The forfeiture rule prevents a person who has unlawfully killed another from inheriting from their victim or acquiring another financial...
Completed in August 2013, our report on birth registrations and birth certificates was subsequently tabled in Parliament on 12 November....
The VLRC birth registration and birth certificate law reform report was tabled in Parliament on 12 November 2013. Our 26...
On 29 October 2013, the Attorney-General asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission to review the common law rule of forfeiture...
Sections 232 to 234 of the Corporations Act 2001 provide a range of remedies for shareholders for oppressive conduct by a corporation....
The Commission's report on its review of succession laws was tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 15 October 2013. VLRC Succession...
This report published in 2013 contains the VLRC's recommendations for succession law reform, including the laws about: Wills Family Provision...
In March 2013 the Commission was asked to review three aspects of jury empanelment for both criminal and civil trials:...
In March 2013 the Commission was asked to review three aspects of jury empanelment for both criminal and civil trials:...
The Commission produced this consultation paper for its review of the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act....
The courts frequently deal with people charged with offences who require a special response from the law due to their...
In February 2013, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to review and report on aspects of jury empanelment in Victoria under...
On 19 December 2013, the Victorian Law Reform Commission initiated a community law reform project on photographing and filming tenants’...
These six consultation papers were published in October 2012 as part of the inquiry into Succession Laws. Succession Laws Consultation...
In 2012, the Commission began a community law reform project on Victoria’s birth registration and birth certificates laws. It arose...
On 17 August 2012, the Attorney-General asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission to review and report on changes to the Crimes...
Tabled in parliament on 18 April 2012, the Commission's Guardianship: Final Report contained more than 400 recommendations. VLRC Guardianship Final Report (pdf)
The final report, tabled in Parliament on 18 April 2012, contained 79 recommendations to strengthen the registration scheme by sharpening...
The Victorian Law Reform Commission is asked to review and report on the desirability of legislative or other reform in...
The report released on 29 June 2011 contained 24 recommendations, in particular, a call for the expansion of the successful...
This report was tabled in Parliament on 3 May 2011. In it, the Commission made 48 recommendations to simplify and...
The consultation paper was published in March 2011 and called for submissions by 20 May 2011. The paper is divided...
In its report on easements and covernants, published in December 2010, the Victorian Law Reform Commission made 47 recommendations. 1....
The final report on the Property Law Act, tabled in Parliament on 29 October 2010, made 58 recommendations calling for...
Tabled in Parliament on 5 October 2010, the Commission’s report, Protection Applications in the Children’s Court, contained five options for reform. The...
In its final report on the Property Law Act 1958 published in September 2010, the Commission made 58 recommendations in...
The final report, tabled in Parliament on 12 August 2010, contained 33 recommendations for reforming the law to ensure the...
In August 2009, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to review Victoria’s property laws. The first component of the reference was...
By 2009, it was generally believed that the Property Law Act 1958 had become a cumbersome document, difficult to navigate,...
In November 2009, following a review by the Ombudsman, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to provide the government with a...
The final report, tabled in Parliament on 29 July 2009, recommended significant legislative reforms to improve jury direction processes in...
This community law reform project came out of an approach in 2008 by the Youth Referal and Independent Person Program...
In its final report on Jury Directions published in July 2009, the Commission made the 52 recommendations set out below:...
The Commission’s report, tabled in Parliament on 29 January 2009, recommended improving the legal protection for people with disabilities who...
The second part of a two-stage reference on privacy, this review of the laws of public surveillance took account of...
Jury trials lie at the centre of our criminal justice system, being an important way for citizens to participate in...
Jury trials lie at the centre of our criminal justice system, being an important way for citizens to participate in...
In 2008, following a suggestion from the Victorian Human Rights Commission, the VLRC initiated a community law reform project reviewing...
The Commission's final report, tabled in Parliament on 28 May 2008, provided three legislative models for the decriminalisation of abortion....
In May 2004, the Attorney-General issued a Justice Statement indicating directions for reform of Victoria's justice system. The statement's concerns...
In its report of May 2008, the Commission made 177 recommendations for reform of the civil justice system, covering 11...
Tabled in Parliament on 10 October 2007, the Commission's final report made 157 recommendations aimed at ensuring the Bail Act...
In September 2007, the government provided terms of reference to the Commission for legislative advice on the decriminalisation of terminations...
The final report, tabled in Parliament on 7 June 2007, made 130 recommendations for a more inclusive approach to the...
Eligibility for treatment Guiding principles 1. The Infertility Treatment Act should set out the following principles to guide the administration...
In May 2004, the Attorney-General issued a Justice Statement indicating directions for reform of Victoria's justice system. The statement's concerns...
In September 2006, the Attorney-General asked the Commission to review the civil justice system in Victoria under the following terms...
Released in April 2006, the Commission’s report concluded that residential databases lacked sufficient regulation to protect the rights of tenants....
The final report to Parliament on 1 March 2006 made 153 recommendations to improve the response to victims from police,...
This report was published in February 2006. VLRC Implementing the Uniform Evidence Act Report
The bail system in Victoria has an impact that reaches beyond the confines of the legislation and is a crucial...
The final report, tabled in Parliament on 5 October 2005, included 65 recommendations for a regulatory model that would open...
On 22 November 2004 Attorney-General Rob Hulls asked the Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) to review the laws of evidence...
Tabled in Parliament on 18 November 2004, this final report recommended the abolition of the partial excuse of provocation, changes...
In November 2002, the Commission was asked by the Attorney-General to review and report on the laws and systems in...
In March 2002, the Commission was asked to examine two major issues of public concern in relation to privacy: workplace...
This final report was tabled in Parliament on 25 August 2004. (If you are looking for the Commission's 2021 inquiry...
The Commission received 234 submissions responding to its Assisted Reproductive Technology & Adoption: Consultation Paper, published in January 2004. Below are...
The development of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) since the 1980s coincided with significant shifts in the make-up of Australian families....
The Commission was asked in December 2001 to review the provisions for the compulsory care of persons with an intellectual...
The final report, tabled on 20 November 2003, included 141 recommendations. In particular, it recommended the introduction of legislative principles,...
This Options Paper outlines the findings of the Commission’s study of homicide prosecutions including what the study told us about...
The Victorian Law Reform Commission’s first community law project, this review of certain sections of the Bail Act 1977 (Vic) was prompted...
Tabled in Parliament on 9 May 2002, the Commission’s final report contained 38 recommendations.
The Commission was asked in December 2001 to review the provisions for the compulsory care of persons with an intellectual...
On 27 April 2001, the newly-formed Victorian Law Reform Commission, receiving its first reference from the Attorney-General, was asked to...
This Occasional Paper was published as part of the Commission’s work on defences to homicide. It was prepared by Associate...
The Commission's review of the legal defences to homicide in Victoria began in September 2001 with a reference from the...
In 2002, the Attorney-General set the terms of reference for the Commission's inquiry into Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Adoption. 1....
In 2001, the Commission was asked to consider whether the criminal justice system was sufficiently responsive to the needs of...
One of the functions of the Victorian Law Reform Commission is to examine any matter that the Commission considers raises...
On 27 April 2001, the newly-formed Victorian Law Reform Commission, receiving its first reference from the Attorney-General, was asked to...