The Victorian Law Reform Commission provides media comment on our current and recently completed projects.
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- Posted on 12/03/2025
The Victorian Law Reform Commission have released the Issues paper for Stage 1 of the Community Law Reform project, Examining Aspects of Family Violence Intervention...
- Posted on 20/02/2025
The VLRC has published its first in a new series of Spotlight papers: ‘I want to tell my story’: the guardianship and administration confidentiality law....
- Posted on 30/10/2024
How can the courts safely use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve efficiency and access to justice? Can AI supplement the human elements of how courts...
- Posted on 17/10/2024
The Victorian Law Reform Commission has been asked to make recommendations on legislative reform opportunities and principles to guide the safe use of AI in...
- Posted on 16/10/2024
The Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) is reviewing whether new laws, regulations and guidelines are needed to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) is used safely...
- Posted on 28/05/2024
The Victorian Law Reform Commission was asked to review whether the definition of recklessness in Victoria should change, and whether a definition should be written...
- Posted on 15/05/2024
The VLRC started two new inquiries in May 2024: An Attorney-General reference on Artificial Intelligence and Victoria's courts and tribunals A self-referred community law reform...
- Posted on 31/01/2024
The Hon. Jennifer Coate AO has been appointed as Acting Chair of the VLRC while the Hon. Tony North KC is serving as a Commissioner...
- Posted on 05/10/2023
Tony North KC has been involved in some of the largest cases in Australian history as both a barrister and a Federal Court judge, including...
- Posted on 11/07/2023
[theme music] Nick Gadd: Welcome to Old Law New Law, a podcast by the Victorian Law Reform Commission. I’m Nick Gadd. In this special episode...
- Posted on 11/07/2023
Some 5,000 - 6,000 people serve on juries in Victoria every year. In this episode we talk to Victorian Juries Commissioner Paul Dore about his...
- Posted on 23/06/2023
[Music] Nick: Welcome to ‘Old Law, New Law’, a podcast by the Victorian Law Reform Commission. I’m Nick Gadd and today we’re talking about inclusive...
- Posted on 23/06/2023
Serving on a jury is an important civic duty, but you may be surprised to learn that people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind...
- Posted on 16/05/2023
16 May 2023 The Victorian Law Reform Commission has recommended changes to the law and practice to enable people who are deaf, hard of hearing,...
- Posted on 13/02/2023
Speakers: Presenters: Nick Gadd and Gemma Walsh Tony North KC, Chair of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Kathryn Terry, team leader, recklessness inquiry, VLRC Emma...
- Posted on 17/01/2023
The VLRC has published an issues paper for its review of the meaning of recklessness in criminal law. The paper covers the current state of...
- Posted on 21/09/2022
The Victorian Law Reform Commission's final report on Stalking was tabled in Parliament and published online today. Stalking affects at least one in six women...
- Posted on 04/08/2022
New laws have been introduced to the Victorian Parliament to protect Victorians from sexual violence, based on the recommendations made by the VLRC in its...
- Posted on 27/07/2022
The Victorian Attorney-General, Jaclyn Symes has reappointed three Commissioners of the Victorian Law Reform Commission for another four-year term. They are: The Hon. Jennifer Coate...
- Posted on 06/04/2022
The Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC)'s supplementary report on 'Grab and drag' conduct was tabled in Parliament and published on 6 April 2022. When a...
- Posted on 06/04/2022
A new report by the Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) is calling for changes to how Victoria Police responds to victims of stalking. The VLRC's...
- Posted on 12/11/2021
The Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) has proposed a comprehensive reform package to improve the way the justice system responds to sexual offences. Improving the...
- Posted on 11/06/2021
The Victorian Law Reform Commission is reviewing how to reform the law to make it easier for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind...
- Posted on 20/03/2021
20th March 2021 Follow the link to hear a discussion on Radio National about how to improve the system for victims of sexual assault. Panellists...
- Posted on 16/09/2020
16 September 2020 The Victorian Law Reform Commission has recommended changes to pre-trial procedures, including abolishing the test for committal, in a report tabled in...
- Posted on 04/08/2020
Victoria needs a new Contempt of Court Act to define different types of contempt and make the law clearer and fairer in the online era,...
- Posted on 13/11/2019
Surely, our lives are so much more pleasant with a few trees growing around our homes, adding shade and greenery, smoothing the sharp edges of...
- Posted on 30/07/2019
The Andrews Labor Government has today announced the appointment of former Justice the Hon. Anthony North as the Chairperson of the Victorian Law Reform Commission....
- Posted on 07/06/2017
The Victorian Law Reform Commission has recommended that a new Adoption Act be enacted in Victoria to replace the current Adoption Act 1984. The Commission’s...
- Posted on 22/11/2016
22 November 2016 The Victorian Law Reform Commission has published a report recommending that the rights of victims of crime should be strengthened. The report,...