Birth Registration and Birth Certificates: Report


The Act

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 (Vic).


Consultative Council for Obstetric Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity.


Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic).

Child migrants

Those children sent to Australia from the United Kingdom during the 20th century under an agreement between the two governments for the migration of children to Australia. They are often referred to as Lost Innocents.

Eligible beneficiary

As defined in section 3 of the State Concessions Act 2004 (Vic). It identifies individuals entitled to claim concessions. It includes those who have a health care card, pensioner concession card or a Gold Card.

Fee waiver

The Registrar may, at his or her discretion, decide to waive the fee for a birth certificate for applicants in appropriate cases.

Forgotten Australians

A non-legal term used since 2004 to refer to children who were in state care prior to 1968, previously referred to as wards of state.

Health care card and pensioner concession card

Entitles the card-holder to concessions offered by the Australian Government, including reduced-cost medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and Australian Government-funded medical services as well as access to some state, territory and local government concessions. Eligibility is linked to certain income support payments and a person must meet age, work and residency requirements.


The Commission uses the terms Aboriginal, Indigenous, Koori and Koories throughout this report to describe the traditional inhabitants of Victoria.[2]

Parent pack

Provided to a birth mother prior to discharge from hospital. It contains materials from the Commonwealth Government and is supplemented with materials from various sources, including the Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.


The Victorian Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages contains the record of births occurring in Victoria.


The Victorian Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages is the role responsible for the registration of all births in Victoria and issue of birth certificates.


The Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages is the operating agency.


Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Regulations 2008 (Vic).

Stolen Generations

Any adult Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person separated at a young age from community, family, language, land or culture. Stolen Generations could encompass any number of events related to the removal or children from their family and culture, such as forcible removal, relinquishment at birth (under duress or otherwise), removal by deception, being fostered or adopted.[3]2

Ward of state

People who grew up in state care prior to 1986. These people were the legal responsibility of the state and lived in orphanages, children’s homes or foster care arrangements. They are often referred to as Forgotten Australians.

  1. The Commission notes this terminology is defined in the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement Phase 3. The Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement is an agreement between the Victorian Government and the Koori community to work together to improve justice outcomes for Koories: Department of Justice (Victoria), Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement Phase 3: A Partnership Between the Victorian Government and Koori Community (2013) 7, 9.

  2. The Commission notes this terminology is defined in the Victorian Stolen Generations Taskforce, Report to Victorian
    (2003) 10.