Our approach
The Victorian Law Reform Commission is committed to law reform that is:
- Inclusive – we include the community in law reform, and encourage all Victorians to participate. We consult people from marginalised groups, including regional and remote communities, Indigenous people, people from non-English speaking backgrounds and people with disabilities.
- Independent – we are committed to transparent public law reform, independent of the political process.
- Innovative – we seek new, creative solutions to law reform problems.
Our recommendations:
- are practical
- make the law fairer, more up-to-date and more accessible
- draw on initiatives and experience in other states and countries.
The Commission’s role
The Commission’s role is set out in section 5 of the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000:
Functions of the Commission
(1) The functions of the Commission are—
(a) to examine, report and make recommendations to the Attorney-General on any proposal or matter relating to law reform in Victoria that is referred to the Commission by the Attorney-General;
(b) to examine, report and make recommendations to the Attorney-General on any matter that the Commission considers raises relatively minor legal issues that are of general community concern if the Commission is satisfied that the examination of that matter will not require a significant deployment of the resources available to the Commission;
(c) to suggest to the Attorney-General that a proposal or matter relating to law reform in Victoria be referred to the Commission by the Attorney-General;
(d) to monitor and co-ordinate law reform activity in Victoria;
(e) to undertake educational programs on any area of the law relevant to a reference, whether past or current.