Suggest a Community Law Reform Project

We welcome law reform suggestions from individuals, community groups, businesses and legal professionals. The project must involve changes to the law that are limited in scope and of general benefit to the community. It must relate to Victorian law (not law made by the Commonwealth government ).

Our most recent community law reform projects are:

Before you contact us please read the criteria for community law reform projects. 

Law reform takes time. The Commission cannot change the law itself. Only Parliament can change the law. The Commission cannot start a law reform project to address the legal problem you raise unless it also addresses a legal problem that impacts the wider community or a vulnerable group within it.

If you have an idea for a project, you can fill in the form below or you can email or send us a letter. We will consider whether your proposal matches the criteria. Please note that we only take on about one new community law reform project every two years.

You can write to your local member of Parliament with your concerns about changes to the law.

The VLRC is a research organisation. We cannot provide you with legal advice. This means:

  • We cannot identify for you the law that applies to your problem and what it means
  • We cannot tell you what you should do to resolve your legal problem
  • We cannot give you information about court or other legal processes
  • We do not investigate complaints about courts, judicial officers, government agencies, lawyers or police and cannot advise you about how to make a complaint.

If you need legal advice, please refer to this list of people who can help.

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