Personal legal issues

The VLRC is a research organisation. We cannot give you advice about your legal problem nor do we investigate complaints about courts, judicial officers, government agencies, lawyers or police.

If you have a legal problem you can contact a private solicitor, Victoria Legal Aid or a community legal centre.

Refer to Victoria Legal Aid’s Find Legal Answers page for help with common legal problems or to find a legal service, or Fitzroy Legal Services’ Law Handbook: The practical guide for law in Victoria..

If you need advice about common disputes such as fencing, trees, and noisy neighbours, you can find useful information on the website of the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria.

The Victims Legal Service, Victoria Legal Aid provides free legal advice and support to people who have suffered injury or loss because of a crime and need help to:
– get financial assistance through the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal
– get compensation from the person who committed the crime.

If you wish to make a complaint against a lawyer you can contact the Legal Services Board and Commissioner: Complaints | VLSBC

If you wish to make a complaint about Victoria Police, you can do so via their website: Complaints (

If you wish to make a complaint about a Victorian public agency or government department, please contact the Victorian Ombudsman.

If you wish to make a complaint about a judicial officer, such as a judge or magistrate, or a VCAT member you can contact the Judicial Commission : How to make a complaint | Judicial Commission Victoria

The Commission cannot change the law itself. Only Parliament can change the law. You can also write to your local member of Parliament with your concerns about changes to the law.

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