Welcome to the Victorian Law Reform Commission

The Victorian Law Reform Commission is the central agency for law reform in Victoria. It is a statutory authority, established under the Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000. The Commission makes a significant contribution to developing a fair, just and inclusive legal system for all Victorians. The Commission consults with the community and advises the Attorney-General on how to improve and update Victorian laws.

The Commission’s major responsibility is to examine, report and make recommendations on issues that the Attorney-General refers to it. It also has the power to recommend reforms to relatively minor legal issues of general community concern without a reference.

In March 2025 we released an Issues Paper for Stage 1 of our community law reform project, Examining Aspects of Family Violence Intervention Orders for Children and Young Adults. This Issues paper considers issues in relation to protection for children who turn 18 while on a family violence intervention order. Submissions are open until the 17th of April 2025.

In February 2025 we published the first paper in our new Spotlight research paper series, ‘I want to tell my story’: the guardianship and administration confidentiality law. This Spotlight paper examines the impact of a confidentiality law (clause 37 of Schedule 1 of the VCAT Act) that prohibits anyone from publishing information that could identify people who have taken part in a guardianship or administration hearing, without first getting permission from VCAT.

We are currently reviewing submissions to our Artificial Intelligence in Victoria’s Courts and Tribunals: Consultation Paper published in September 2024. We will report by 31 October 2025.

Our Recklessness: Report was tabled in Parliament on 28 May 2024. Other recently published reports are Inclusive Juries: Access for People Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Have Low Vision which was tabled in Parliament on 16 May 2023, Stalking, and Improving the Justice System Response to Sexual Offences.

On this site you can find all our reports and associated publications going back to 2001 as well as information about our current law reform projects.

If you are teaching or studying law reform for VCE, please check out our resources for schools or request a speaker.

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